Who are we

We are a family of 3 who took a break from our routine. All born in England, we have lived in Scotland since 2002 but from February to the end of July 2011 we were on the road in North America for 6 months. We are Mark (also known as Dad), Rachel (also known as Mum... and a whole bunch of other names... my usual at-home blog is here) and Heather (10/11 years of age during the trip).

Sunday, 13 February 2011

City streets

So then on Saturday we were in downtown Toronto with another cousin. All the colourful buildings are the Kensington Market area and we were also in nearby Chinatown, on a streetcar, looking at some great street art and much more besides. For a Saturday afternoon it was all very chilled (in every sense) and striking, very striking. All the pics in the slideshow below are Marks.

And then today we had a big family day (19 of us, all ages, lots of brunch) and although the temperatures have risen (out of the minus figures) there was still snow of course and so some people went what we call sledging (but is known as tobogganing here):


Liz said...

Goodness, is H's sledge actually up in the air there?
And all that snow is just so unimaginable for me right now, no matter how hard I try...: )

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, she took off! Lots of snow here though not so cold this week. Apparently winter lasts till May! Do you even have a winter in the Canaries..?

Niamh B said...

jeeps well chosen moment for the tobogan shot

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, our official photographer is working hard. So far most photos on here have been his (I'm using our old, simpler camera!).

The Bug said...

Love that picture of H! We're all boring here - we call it sledding. She's WEARING a toboggan. Heh.

Great cityscape pics - I'm glad you have an official photographer around :)

Rachel Fox said...

Had to look that up... so from what I read some US southerners call a woolly hat a toboggan! None of us here had ever come across that use of the word.

Anonymous said...

Loved the street art shots in the montage. Brilliant. Toronto looks gorgeous. I'll have to visit one day.

The last sledding shot is fabulous. Whooosh.

Rachel Fox said...

We do like that part of Toronto. We went on our last visit and liked it so much we went back this time. I suppose it's a bit like Camden in London or something... not quite so cramped!

Titus said...

Wow! to the sledging. Am in love with the shot of the hanging-up rugs in the snow.

The Solitary Walker said...

Are you related to half of Canada?

Rachel Fox said...

No, but Mark is.