Who are we

We are a family of 3 who took a break from our routine. All born in England, we have lived in Scotland since 2002 but from February to the end of July 2011 we were on the road in North America for 6 months. We are Mark (also known as Dad), Rachel (also known as Mum... and a whole bunch of other names... my usual at-home blog is here) and Heather (10/11 years of age during the trip).

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Counting down to our departure...........


Niamh B said...

aaahhhh what's going to happen when the clock gets to nought?! So exciting!

Niamh B said...

word verification was fatings by the way


Rachel Fox said...

Oh heck. Can I say that the clock wasn't my idea! This collective blogging is going to be interesting...

Rachel Fox said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rachel Fenton said...

Oooh - exciting! But where are you going?....

Rachel Fox said...

I wish I could say the moon now... anything else will feel like a letdown!

Rachel Fox said...

After this build-up...

Liz said...

6 Months! Fantastic! And West, I think you said...a whole big over-yonder right there.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Have a great time y'all!

The Weaver of Grass said...

I am sure you are going to have the most wonderful time and what an experience for the girl. (what is happening to dog?) Canada is my favourite country in the whole world (and I have travelled a lot) - people are so welcoming and the views are so huge. Love America too. Shall think about how you are getting on often.
Love and best wishes to you all from the farmer and me (and Tess too)

Rachel Fox said...

We have a very fine house&dog sitter, Weaver, so fear not - Zoe will not be lonely. It will be interesting to see what she makes of us when we get back...

Titus said...

Bon Voyage Again!

Titus said...

Aargh! Just noticed the countdown actually does countdown.

Rachel Fox said...

Yes, guess whose beloved watched '24'?

It seemed to jump from 19 days to 2 in the blink of an eye... and yet the hours on the plane will feel like a lifetime... strange business time.